I oktober deltog Margareta Nordenvall, Kenneth Lantz och Rune Rydén i FP/AP s möte i Berlin. Riksdagens Veteranförening är medlem i FP-AP, European Association of Former Members of Parliament. Det är en paraplyorganisation för de europeiska parlamentens veteranföreningar.
Vid detta möte antogs också en deklaration rörande repressionen i Iran.
FP/AP begär att de som fredligt protesterat och gripits ska frigivas.
FP/AP begär en opartisk undersökning av Mahsa Aminis död.
FP/AP uppmanar iranska parlamentariker att göra allt vad som står i deras makt att stoppa förföljningen kvinnor och de som stöttar dem i kampen om kvinnor rättigheter.
Här är hela deklarationen
FP/AP Declaration on Repression in Iran, Berlin October 14 2022
The former Parliamentarians of the Countries of the Council of Europe condemn the arrest and death in prison of Mahsa Amini.
Mahsa Amini, a young woman in Iran who was accused of not wearing the hijab according to the conservative dress code and arrested by the so-called morality police. After her death in custody thousands of people demonstrated against the repression in Iran, especially the repression against women.
The former parliamentarians, FP/AP, condemn the extreme response of the security and police forces to demonstrations against the repression in Iran.
So far, at least 76 persons have been killed by the security forces, hundreds have been injured and more than 1200 people have been arrested.
FP/AP call for the immediate release of the peaceful protesters.
FP/AP call on the Iranian Parliament to use its position to make sure, that an impartial investigation in Mahsa Aminis death will take place.
FP/AP urge the Iranian Parliamentarians to do everything that is in their power to stop ongoing repression against women for objecting to compulsory veiling and against the persons who are in solidarity with them.